Planning to hire?

The following recruitment tools will make the hiring process easier.


Recruitment can be a lengthy process, as each company strives to attract top talent. According to LinkedIn, the hiring process lasts three to six weeks on average. For this reason, the recruitment process should be clearly defined within your company to save time and costs.  

The cost of poor recruitment can impact the company negatively. The final candidate may not fit the role or the company if the proper steps are not taken. Organized and structured recruitment processes and procedures will prevent miscommunications, irrelevant requirements, and even compliance mistakes. If the wrong candidate is chosen and leaves after a short term, the cost to the company can be significant.  

According to a 2022 study by the Society for Human Resources, the average cost per hire is $6,300. This number can vary between organizations and job positions. It is recommended that companies are familiar with their cost per hire.  

Recruitment begins internally when a company identifies a need to fill or create a position. Once the need has been identified, the next step is preparation.  

Job descriptions are internal documents outlining the specific requirements per position, including location, work hours, overtime status, department and the manager to whom that position reports. These are essential to good workplace management. Every position within a company should have a job description. 

The following templates are an excellent way to start your recruitment process. These templates serve as a guide for common positions. Please edit, add, delete, or rearrange as you see fit to define the position at your company. 


Junior Heavy Duty Technician

Long Haul Driver


Safety Officer


Creating Job Advertisements

Once you have outlined the job requirements in the job description, you can use this information to create a job advertisement.  

A job advertisement aims to attract top talent that would fit your company. Once created, these documents are used for job boards and company websites. Job advertisements can also be sent to recruiters and employment centres for a broader range of candidates.  

Here are two examples of job advertisements, : one is to the point, and the other allows for personality and company culture to shine through. Choose a template, and then edit the information to meet the expectations of your current open role. 

Sample Job Advertisement – Paragraphs

Sample Job Advertisement – Point Form

Writing a Letter of Offer

Once you have selected the right candidate for the position, it’s time to make an offer of employment. Call the individual and offer them the job. Let them know the requirements. Once they accept, send a letter of offer to the candidate. This letter of offer should include all critical conditions of employment, such as wage, location, hours, etc. Take care to edit every job letter to conform to the requirements of that position. Ambiguity tends to favour the signee.  

Letter of Offer Template 1

Letter of Offer Template 2

Confirmation of Employment

Confirmation of Employment Sample Letter

Finding the right employee with the right skills can be a challenge. One of the most effective ways to connect with talent is broadening your search. Click on the underlined links below to access several job boards, both free and paid, that offer employers the opportunity to connect with job seekers.  

If you’re looking for an all-in-one package, consider using Betterteam. This paid platform posts your job advertisements in multiple places for 1 price, including Indeed, Linkedin, ZipRecruiter, Facebook, Google and more! The downside is that metrics cannot be tracked across the various platforms. Applications appear on the Betterteam website with no distinction on where they originated.  

Of course, Indeed remains the largest job board on the planet and is the most widely used. Indeed has free features for employers and paid features for premium services.  

For a more localized approach, consider the Government of Canada Job Bank, Work in Manitoba website, or Manitoba Start Job Board.  


Looking for students or recent graduates?  The following job boards may be of interest:

Funding provided by: Financement fourni par :
The Government of Canada          The Manitoba Government Le gouvernement du Canada          Le gouvernement du Manitoba 


Manitoba Trucking Association is located in Treaty One Territory, the home and traditional lands of the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe), Ininew (Cree), and Dakota peoples, and in the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. Our drinking water comes from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, in Treaty Three Territory.