
USA Data Removed from Manitoba Carrier Profiles
Dec 6, 2016

Big Advocacy Win for the MTA

The Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA) is very excited to share the following news. The MTA has been asking Commercial Vehicle Safety & Permits (CVS&P) in the Motor Carrier Division to remove USA inspection, violation and accident data from the carrier profiles in the CVS&P’s Carrier Profile System (CPS). This has been requested since the USA chose not to implement the 2008 Canada/USA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Safety Rating Reciprocity.

We felt that if a Manitoba carrier incurred a violation in the United States and that went onto a USA carrier profile (that could potentially trigger a facility audit); then it wasn’t fair for the same violation to be used a second time on a Manitoba carrier profile (and potentially trigger a second Manitoba facility audit).

This would constitute a case of ‘˜double jeopardy’ and we felt that Canadian carriers should be treated by Canadian jurisdictions the same way that USA carriers are treated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The FMCSA does not use Canadian data to rate the performance of their carriers.

Starting December 1st, 2016 the MCD has decided to authorize the removal of all USA data (inspection, conviction and accident) from Manitoba carrier profiles. We are pleased with this solution as it has been something we have worked on for a long time.

If you have any questions please contact us at (204) 632-6600
