March 2, 2015 Winnipeg, MB ‘“ Today the Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA) is pleased to have partnered with the Province of Manitoba to announce that New Generation Wide Base Tires can now be used at full RTAC weights on RTAC highways in the province.
‘œLong-haul tractor trailers outfitted with New Generation Wide Base Single Tires can now carry the same weights as dual tires on designated Manitoba highways” Jobs and the Economy Minister Kevin Chief and Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced today.
‘œResearch shows recent technology gives wide base single truck tires improved characteristics and reduced fuel consumption with minimal effect on the road networks” said Minister Chief. ‘œThese rule changes will mean greater opportunities for companies that rely on tractor trailers for shipping as operators using this technology will now have access to more markets in eastern Canada and the US.”
Terry Shaw, Executive Director of the MTA said ‘œWe’ve been advocating for this change for many years so today’s announcement is very welcome news. Trucking companies interested and able to utilize this technology can recognize significant cost savings through reduced fuel consumption. Of course with less fuel being consumed, less greenhouse gasses are created so the opportunity to promote wider deployment of these tires with this regulatory change is a win economically and environmentally for our industry and province.”
‘œWhile we obviously commend the Province on this progressive decision” said Shaw ‘œwe’d also like to acknowledge the contributions of Providence’s Buller Centre for Business and Their participation in the conversations on the benefits of greater weight allowances for Wide Base Tires, and a host of other economic and environmental opportunities we’re working on for the trucking industry, was much appreciated.”
See below for additional information