
Historic National Trucking Week a Record Breaking Success
Oct 12, 2016

September 4th to September 10th was National Trucking Week. The purpose of the weeklong celebration is to recognize the important contributions made by the 400,000 Canadian men and women who keep the country’s freight moving.

It was a historic week for the MTA as the City of Winnipeg hosted a special flag raising ceremony at City Hall to acknowledge the contributions the industry has made to the city. For the first time in our history the I Heart Trucking flag was raised at City Hall for the duration of National Trucking Week.

The Annual Truck Pull for United Way raised $6500 with 13 teams competing. A huge thank you goes out to all those that competed as well as to all of the volunteers that helped put this amazing event together.

Over $60,000 was raised by the World’s Largest Truck Convoy during the week. Almost 200 trucks participated in this amazing event that benefits Special Olympics Manitoba.

This year’s National Trucking Week has shown the province the incredible contributions of our industry and how vital it is to the economy. The MTA has worked tirelessly over the last eighty-four years to establish value for our industry and serve our members. Our members include individuals and companies in a number of areas including for-hire carriers, cartage companies who provide transport services to municipalities, private fleets, movers and other specialized providers.

The MTA represents over three hundred companies that employ more than ten thousand workers. This combines to make up 5.7% of Manitoba’s labour force and trucking consistently produces between 6 and 7% of the provincial GDP.
