
Fair and Balanced Discussion of Covid-19 and Manitoba’s Trucking Industry
Jun 23, 2020

The Manitoba Trucking Association’s Executive Director Terry Shaw was recently featured on CBC Radio One’s Up to Speed with guest host Marjorie Dowhos. The main topic of discussion was the number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Manitoba related to the trucking industry. As Shaw says, the positive Covid-19 numbers overall in Manitoba remain very low, drivers are isolated in their work, and they are careful – including going for testing – to ensure that they are not spreading the virus, out of an abundance of caution for their family members, friends, and communities. As well, he points out that while so many of us were able to stay home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, we were able to do so because truck drivers kept freight moving. The conversation also includes a discussion about the economic impacts of Covid-19 on Manitoba’s trucking economy. You can listen to the interview here:…
