Friday, April-5-19- Winnipeg, MB – The Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA) today held its 87th Annual General Meeting at the Manitoba Club. This year’s President’s report focused on association policy work, and community engagement. The AGM also saw...
As most members are aware the federal government has imposed a carbon tax on inter-provincial carriers operating into, out of, and through ‘“ Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and New Brunswick (and in the Yukon and Nunavut as of July 1, 2019). Below and attached...
Hello,Please be advised that the Manitoba Trucking Association office will be closed on Friday April 5th, as we are hosting our 87th Annual AGM.We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we will re open on Monday April 8th at 08:30am.Thank You,MTA...
Launched in 2014, the Top Fleet Employers program has grown from ten (10) fleets being recognized in its inaugural year, to now fifty-two in 2018. The Top Fleet Employers program is a national program that recognizes the importance of having sound HR policies and...
The Provinces Spring Road Restrictions Program (SRR) is upon us, with the start date scheduled for March 15, 2019. The purpose of Spring Road Restrictions is to protect Manitoba’s surfaced pavements from undue damage by reducing allowable axle weights during the...
When Should “Jake Brakes” Be Used? Use of Engine Retarder Brakes: Engine retarder brakes are used in many heavy trucks as a supplement to the vehicles service brakes. The principle behind the engine retarder brake is that it changes the action of the...