Organizational Structure
Overseen by the Manitoba Trucking Association’s Executive and Board of Directors, the structure of the MTA promotes the wide-ranging interests of this complex industry.
Our Board of Directors receives input from the Associated Trades Division, Trucking Safety Council, Vehicle Maintenance Council, Bulk Milk Haulers, plus other committees that can operate on a short or long term basis. Members of the MTA’s Board of Directors also represent the MTA’s interests at the national level on the CTA’s (Canadian Trucking Alliance) Board of Directors and Advisory Committees.
Members are encouraged to become active in the MTA’s many committees and programs.
Manitoba Trucking Safety Council
The RPM Trucking Industry Safety program was established in 2015 to provide workplace health and safety services to the trucking industry in Manitoba. The program is hosted by the Manitoba Trucking Association, and funded by a levy paid by the industry and administered by SAFE Work Manitoba.
The Manitoba Trucking Safety Council is responsible for providing the strategic leadership necessary to establish and review the RPM Trucking Industry Safety program’s vision, mandate, goals and objectives.
MTA Trucking Sector Council Program
The MTA Trucking Sector Council Program is a member of the Manitoba Sector Council Program, under the Transportation and Distribution Sector. The Sector Council Program supports organizations in key Manitoba sectors to develop and deliver workforce training for new and existing employees to support business growth and prosperity.
The MTA Trucking Sector Council Program will identify immediate, short- and long-term skills and labour gaps in our industry and develop strategies to fill those gaps. Through industry outreach, working with other sector councils and various organizations, the sector council will inform Manitobans, including youth, Indigenous people, newcomers and those with disabilities about jobs and careers in our industry. Furthermore, a sector council will also develop workforce training resources to bridge gaps between industry needs and recent graduates and ensure those currently in industry have the skills needed to be successful.
The sector council is funded by The Government of Canada and The Manitoba Government
Associated Trades Division
The Associated Trades Division (ATD) makes major contributions to the MTA’s programs, both actively and financially. The areas in which they provide financial assistance include our building and property as well as capital purchases for the good of the association, such as computers and other office equipment and furnishings. The Associated Trades Division also encourages good fellowship by sponsoring and organizing golf tournaments and other social events.
The objectives of the Associated Trades Division are:
- To promote the objectives of the Manitoba Trucking Association in a tangible way.
- To promote the support by the trucking industry of the legitimate business objectives of the members of the Associated Trades Division by encouraging the purchase of goods and services provided by the said members.
- To foster a spirit of comradeship amongst its members in particular and the members of the Manitoba Trucking Association in general.
Vehicle Maintenance Council
The Vehicle Maintenance Council (VMC) acts as a resource to the MTA and is relied upon to make recommendations on mechanical and maintenance issues.
The objectives of the Vehicle Maintenance Council are:
- To encourage the study of mechanical transport and the maintenance thereof, to seek improved methods in the operation of transport garages, to study and encourage safety devices and practices in the maintenance and operation of transport vehicles, to uphold ethical practices, to promote sound development and reform in mechanical transport maintenance.
- To foster a spirit of comradeship among its members.
- To make recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Manitoba Trucking Association to further the objectives of the Council in the general well-being and efficiency of the trucking industry in Manitoba.
Bulk Milk Haulers
The Bulk Milk Haulers Division maintains liaison with the Manitoba Milk Producers’ Board, and conducts negotiations regarding cost allowances, product and equipment standards, etc.
Event Committees
The MTA hosts several events over the course of the year: AGM & Spring Gala, Professional Truck Driving Championships & Driver Awards Banquet, Fall Awards, golf tournaments, scholarships, and more. All of these events take considerable effort to plan successfully year after year, and it is through the creativity and efforts of our members who volunteer on our event committees that we are able to do so.
Special Committees
Special Committees are formed on an ad hoc basis to deal with specific issues. Historically, the MTA has called on special committees to look at issues facing the industry such as
- road safety
- licensing & insurance
- carbon tax
- NSC audits and safety ratings
- MELT and driver training
Upcoming committees will address industry concerns related to human resources and infrastructure.
National Issues
National issues are dealt with under the auspices of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, a federation of the seven provincial Trucking Associations. The MTA has representatives on the CTA Board of Directors and the Policy Development Committee (PDC). The Policy Development Committee deals with such items as Labour, National Highway Policy, National Safety Code, Taxation and International issues such as Cabotage, Immigration and Single State Taxes. The PDC deliberates the various issues and makes the appropriate recommendations to the CTA Board of Directors. As well, Advisory Committees, comprised of representatives from various carrier members of the provincial associations, also deliberate and provide input on specific issues.