Diversity and Inclusion: A Roadmap for Canada’s Trucking and
Logistics Industry
For many years, leaders have been discussing the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, but why now? Why in 2018?
In essence, the world is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Because of changes in the workforce, marketplace and workplace, successful companies have recognised they require a different approach to management, in order to stay ahead of the wave.
To address the changing nature of demographics, the workplace, and the marketplace, Canadian organisations are taking a proactive approach. Some organisations are reconfiguring the demographic composition of their workforces to more closely match their consumer market-base. Other organisations are hiring people who bring new perspectives and solutions to an increasingly complex business environment.
Organisations are increasingly compelled to publicly report diversity and inclusion practices and policies. For example, Canadian publicly listed companies must report on their practices through Corporate Responsibility Statements. Other organisations are sharing their diversity policies and practices with their customers, as some customers are only doing business with diversity and inclusion leaders, within their industries.
Clearly, external forces are pushing Canadian organisations to get in front of the diversity and inclusion wave. To better understand the current state, corporate drivers, and leading practices of diversity and inclusion,Trucking HR has developed a new roadmap to help employers establish a
diversity and inclusion framework for their company. The roadmap is an
easy guide with step-by-step information, starting with the business case and
how to get buy in from decision makers, all the way through to implementing and
evaluating a solid framework.
For more information about Diversity and Inclusion or to download the Diversity and Inclusion Roadmap: https://truckinghr.com/content/employers/recruitme…
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