Precious Metals Sponsorship Program

MTA provides many tangible and intangible benefits to its members.

The MTA’s Precious Metals Program is your one-stop shop to ensuring the best bang for your sponsorship dollars. This program allows participants to determine how you can get the best return on your investment for what and how you want to sponsor. From the opportunity to pick and choose promotion at MTA events including seating, corporate displays, and speaking time, to traditional forms of advertising such as in MTA publications (newsletters and electronic communications) and other handouts, the choice is yours with the MTA’s Precious Metals Program.

Contact Don Stewart (204-632-6600) at the MTA office for more information about this program.

Become a Member of the MTA's Precious Metals Program!

Complete this form to be contacted with more information about the MTA’s Precious Metals Program.

Sponsorship Level(Required)
Please indicate which sponsorship level interests you
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Titanium Sponsors

What do Titanium Sponsors receive?

  • Our highest level of sponsorship, those who choose this package receive exclusive offers available only at this level.  Other opportunities include event tickets, marketing, and a tailored strategic plan.
Platinum Sponsors

What do you receive as a Platinum Sponsor?

  • Platinum sponsorship is our second highest level of corporate sponsorship available to members.  Opportunities include VIP seating and event attendance, as well as exclusive marketing and promotional opportunities, and a tailored strategic plan.
Gold Sponsors

What do you receive as a Gold Sponsor?

  • Gold sponsors receive marketing and promotional opportunities, waived membership fees, event seating, a tailored strategic plan, and a host of other opportunities.