Change will be the key word for 2016. It will come in many forms over the course of the year, but it will result in an improved Manitoba Trucking Association and trucking industry.
One of the most important goals of the Manitoba Trucking Association in 2016 will be member services. While excellent customer service is always a driving force of what we do at the MTA, in 2016, we will be putting those skills to the test as we undergo significant transformation. Major renovations, including an addition to our current building, will be the main change we face in the upcoming year. These structural changes, funded by Manitoba’s trucking industry in its entirety through a levy by SAFEWork Manitoba, will result in a significant increase in the MTA’s assets upon completion. While this work is being done, it is imperative that we continue to provide the high level of service – in our advocacy, program development, and member services and benefits – that you have come to expect from us, no matter what is happening in the building or from what venue we happen to be working. Furthermore, once the physical transformations have taken place, there will be significant staffing changes as we create a full complement of knowledgeable, skilled and customer-oriented staff for the trucking safety program. Once all of that is finished – both the building and staffing requirements – we will work to not only meet but exceed what our members expect of us.
Change will also keep us focused regarding our advocacy efforts. With RPM, our trucking safety program, up and running, the passing of Bill 18 (which will see commercial truck driver become a certified occupation) and the approval of the new GrEEEner Trucking Program as advocacy wins under our belts, we will be able to move all three of those projects into their respective next phases. However, as we move those projects into the next phase, we will make sure that we build these programs the right way – efficient and results-oriented. We hope to administer these programs the way the MTA has been run – with an eye for service, quality, and respect for the bottom line. Furthermore, and while we continue to seek out opportunities for industry after this fall’s federal election, we are also looking at a provincial election in the spring. No matter what the outcome of the provincial election, there will be opportunities and challenges for the MTA with our advocacy efforts. As well, with a year of working with new council members, we expect to continue with our positive relationship with the City of Winnipeg concerning advocacy efforts.
Finally, we will continue to embrace change and new technology when it comes to serving industry. With the resources provided through the MTA curriculum project, we plan to offer more training on-line, making these resources more readily available to our members. RPM currently has a course listing of forty-one courses on offer; the goal is to offer all of those courses and more on a regular basis by the end of 2016. Furthermore, we hope to move those to an on-line format as time and resources allow. Our social media and communications will continue to be fine-tuned, and we will be part of the creation of a video series designed to make the general public, particularly young people, aware of the career opportunities in the trucking industry.
The Manitoba Trucking Association has never been afraid of change. In fact, it is a facet of life in this industry that we embrace. While we will see many changes in 2016, we look forward to the challenge, and we look forward to being able to develop and maintain a safe and healthy business environment for our members.