Workers Compensation Board (WCB)

Lesson 7: Workers Compensation Board (WCB) In Canada, workers’ compensation is a system of compulsory no-fault insurance for workplace injuries.   General Principles Collective Liability In return for immunity from suit, covered employers wholly fund the...

Equipment and Traffic Control (3)

Topic 4: Pedestrian and Vehicle Control Zones Observation ID RPO01 – Have pedestrian and vehicle traffic control zones been designated and clearly marked? Traffic Routes To enable separation and the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians, the layout of...

Equipment and Traffic Control (2)

Topic 3: Fall Protection ​Document ID RPD06 – Does the employer have a fall protection program that addresses working at heights and rescue? (e.g., repair, unloading, loading, maintenance) on trucks, tractors, and trailers, both on and off-site? Legislation Provincial...

Equipment and Traffic Control

Topic 1: Safe Operation of Personal and Company Vehicles Document ID RPD02 – Does the employer have a policy outlining the safe operation of company and personal vehicles and a process for non-conformance? ​​ There are quite a few pieces that fit together which...

Working Alone and In Confined Spaces (2)

Topic 2: Confined Space ​ Document ID RPD07 – Does the employer have a confined space entry and rescue program that addresses all confined spaces within the workplace? Observation ID RPO04 – Are confined spaces identified and is access restricted?...