In-Cab Coach/Driver Mentor Training Course

This course will move a driver into a position of mentorship as an in-cab coach.  It is designed to take professional drivers to the next level in their careers, and covers such topics as:

  • expectations of coaches,
  • dealing with conflict, and
  • driving professionally.

Who should take this course?

Any driver who is interested in acting in a mentorship role at their organization may be interested in this course.

Course Delivery Method

This course is taught in-person at the MTA office or your place of business, or via distance learning.

When can I take this course?

Please consult the MTA’s training calendar for dates, or submit a request for a custom date.  Please note that we require three paid attendees to run any course.

Other information

Please note that the February 14 and September 16 In-Cab Coach/Driver Mentor Training Courses are offered FREE OF CHARGE, courtesy of the MTA Trucking Sector Council Program.

Funding provided by: Financement fourni par :
The Government of Canada          The Manitoba Government Le gouvernement du Canada          Le gouvernement du Manitoba 




 Upcoming Dates

Sep 16
9:00 am - 5:00 pm