MTA-Vehicle Maintenance Council Ken Moodie Award


This annual award is presented to a person, employed by an MTA member company with a vehicle maintenance facility, who

  • works in a technical capacity and (currently or recently) supervises apprentice technicians,
  • generously demonstrates mentorship and exemplifies the desire to help people learn the technical practices of truck and/or trailer maintenance. This generosity of sharing knowledge and skill development was exemplified by the late Ken Moodie during his career in the trucking industry, and his legacy with today’s practitioners cannot be overstated.
Nomination Form

Please complete the following nomination form to nominate a deserving technician for the 2024 Ken Moodie Award.  Nomination deadline is August 31, 2024.


Ken Moodie Award Nomination Form

About the Nominee

Please describe how the nominee has made a recognized contribution to the training or practice of vehicle maintenance in the trucking industry, such as apprentice curriculum development, vehicle problem diagnosis, safety measures/practices, a technical innovation/improvement, workplace design, workplace inclusion, or a teaching or training method innovation/improvement.

About You (Person Doing the Nominating)

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