Prepare For The Winter Season: Driving a tractor trailer in serious Canadian winter conditions, demands a specific set of skills for all drivers, especially big rig drivers. Too many drivers on the highways do not alter their driving habits, when driving in poor...

Back To School

With The Return To School Around The Corner, Please Slow Down! School days bring congestion: Yellow school buses are picking up their students, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school before the bell rings, and harried parents are trying to drop their kids off...


National Truck Week is traditionally a week-long celebration during the first week of September and the purpose of the week-long celebration, is to recognize the important contributions made by the 400,000 Canadian women and men who keep the country’s freight...

Feds Announce ELD Final Rule

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Canadian Trucking Alliance Media Contact: Marco Beghetto, VP Communications & New Media (416) 249-7401 x 238 Canadian Truckers Laud Final ELD Rule, Including Third Party Certification (Toronto, June 13, 2019)...

Province and Feds Announce Efficient Trucking Initiative

  June 10, 2019 CANADA AND MANITOBA ANNOUNCE CLIMATE ACTION IN THE TRANSPORTATION SECTOR A recent report from expert Canadian scientists showed that Canada was warming at twice the average global rate. People in Manitoba are feeling the impacts of climate change...