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Introduction to Trucking Legislation​

The purpose of the material in this Introduction to Trucking Legislation  course is to provide employers, supervisors, workers and committee members with an introduction to law and help participants better understand legislation, standards and policies.

The course will discuss findings, interpretation, and applying legislation, standards, and policies within the workplace.

All topics will be related to Occupational Health & Safety and Commercial Transportation.

The course details

The learning objectives for this workshop are to have an understanding of the types of occurrences, what to do at the scene of an incident, how incidents need to be reported as well as the duties and responsibilities and the internal responsibility system and finally how an investigation is conducted.

The lessons are laid out in the following order:

  • Lesson 1: Legal System
  • Lesson 2: Locating and Identifying Changes to Legislation
  • Lesson 3: Reading Legislation
  • Lesson 4: Standards, Policies, and Procedures
  • Lesson 5: Due Diligence
  • Lesson 6: Incidents
  • Lesson 7: Workers Compensation Board (WCB)
  • Lesson 8: Enforcement

There are questions that you need to answer correctly placed periodically throughout this workshop to verify understanding. A final test will need to be passed to complete this workshop.

A pass mark of 70% is required to obtain a certificate of completion for this course.


Tips to Navigate This Course

This course proceeds in a linear fashion (Lesson 1, then Lesson 2, and so on).  You will see that some lessons have quizzes.  You must complete the quiz in order to move on in the course.  Once you complete a question, click either the “Next Question” or “Finish Quiz” button, depending on the number of questions.  Once your results are calculated, click the “Click Here to Continue” button (NOT “Next Lesson”) to ensure your quiz results are recorded.

All quizzes must be completed before the final quiz is attempted.  To confirm you have completed all of the lessons, check the menu on the right hand side of the page (if on a desktop).  If the circles on each lesson are red, you have completed the lessons and are ready for the final test!


Getting Started

Click on Course Overview and Course Glossary in the right sidebar to get started!
