SAFE Work Certified Process

What happens between registration and certification?

Assuming you are in one of the three WCB classification codes related to the trucking industry (50102, 50109, or 50111), you will complete a SAFE Work Certified Application and return it to RPM.  This is a fairly straightforward document, outlining your location(s), corporate information, and a survey of what already exists for your corporate safety culture.  From that, RPM’s advisers will customize a training program for you to get you on your way to SAFE Work Certification.

After registration and being assigned to an advisor, you will begin your training.  There are four required training modules to take to achieve SAFE Work Certification: Safety & Health Leadership, Principles of Safety & Health Management, Maintenance Auditor, and one of Safety & Health Committee OR Safety Representative (depending on the size of your organization).  You must be registered in the program to take these courses.  These are full day courses.  You will be provided with a wealth of resources to take back to your business, including updated legislation and templates to customize for your workplace.

Also keep in mind that there is no time requirement from registration to completion of your training.  We understand the pace of the trucking industry.  As well, some companies will be further ahead in their occupational health and safety program than others upon first applying, so some companies will need more time to implement a full OH&S program. That’s okay; we want you to do it right, not quickly.

Once training is wrapped up, the next step is a gap analysis. This is conducted with an advisor from RPM, before you have your certification audit.  As its name indicates, we try to find any gaps between where your safety program is and where it needs to be to pass a certification audit.  We will work with you and your organization to ensure that gap is filled.

Once that is done, it’s time for the big moment: your SAFE Work certification audit.  To get this audit started, you first must complete and submit an audit application.  The SAFE Work Certified audit is an independent, performance-based review of your company’s safety and health management system. The audit is performed by an independent auditor taken from RPM’s network of SAFE Work Certified auditors. The auditor’s fee (currently it is $600/audit day) is the only part of SAFE Work Certified process not covered by the industry levy.